A dual Professional Doctorate and Ph.D. in Psychology with integrated foundational knowledge and six specialist certifications



Comprehensive accreditation program from SIMI Swiss and partner awarding bodies.


A dual Professional Doctorate and Ph.D in Psychology with integrated foundational knowledge from Switzerland & France.


Receive 06 Level 7 EQF Pro certificates recognized in alignment with National Occupational Standards.


Academic support from SIMI Swiss and local partners helps students overcome difficulties.

Doctor of Applied Psychology from SIMI Swiss

Upon graduation, students receive a Doctor of Applied Psychology degree from SIMI Swiss.

SIMI is the first university in Zug, Switzerland, to achieve comprehensive international accreditations at both institutional and program level. The video below will guide you step-by-step through the verification and validation process of SIMI Swiss accreditations and recognitions. All Swiss Psychology programs, owned by SIMI Swiss, benefit from these quality standards.

  • See how to verify SIMI Swiss accreditations and recognitions [HERE].
  • View the full SIMI Swiss accreditation system [HERE].
Doctor of Phylosophy (Ph.D) in Psychology

After graduating, he received a Doctor of Phylosophy in Psychology (Ph.D in Psychology) from Horizons University, France.

  • Approved and recognized for undergraduate and postgraduate training activities by the French Ministry of Education;
  • Recognized training activities in France and abroad by the Paris professional training department;
  • Achieved the French Qualiopi quality education certificate;
  • Program accreditation by Council for Business Schools & Programs (ACBSP);
  • Program accreditation by the European Council for Business Education (ECBE). ECBE is a member of ENQA;
  • A member of the Federation for Education in Europe (FEDE).


  • See more information about Horizons University: CLICK HERE
  • Guidelines of how to check the accreditation of Horizons University: CLICK HERE
  • Why is Horizons University Unique? CLICK HERE

Please note: In France, there are two diploma systems: the National Diplomas and the University Diplomas. National Diplomas are national diploma system granted by the French Ministry of Education through national exams and studying French national curriculum in French. University Diplomas are diploma system granted by universities through examinations organized by the universities, along with evaluation from independent internal and external accreditation systems.

"Horizons University's Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctoral qualifications belong to the University Diplomas system."

At the PhD level, we understand that foundational knowledge is particularly important and the Swiss and French PhD in Psychology is the only program that adds foundational specialized knowledge compatible with the national professional competency framework. This group of knowledge not only helps students review, supplement, and self-study to successfully complete the PhD program, but also helps PhD students accumulate to obtain 06 expert certifications (Level 7 EQF).

6 expert certifications integrated in the PhD in Psychology program include:

  • Level 7 Certified in Psychoanalysis and Mental Health
  • Level 7 Certified in Exploring psychology
  • Level 7 Certified in Cognitive and biological psychology
  • Level 7 Certified in Qualitative Research Methodology
  • Level 7 Certified in Social and Cultural Psychology and Psychology of Human Development
  • Level 7 Certified in Rehabilitation Psychology
12 steps to earning a PhD in Psychology



1. Enrolling in the Developing Research Capability course (to formulate research proposals)

The Dual Qualification PhD in Psychology is a program that follows a research approach from the beginning. Unlike other programs, we understand that if we only train research and let the PhD students "swim" on their own, completing a PhD thesis that meets international standards and the strict standards of SIMI Swiss is particularly difficult.

Understanding this, PsySchool Switzerland and SIMI Swiss have built a training path on scientific research, providing basic knowledge of psychology (supplementing the entire lecture of the Psychology specialist program), while also adding a research instructor and a research support system to help doctoral students in Psychology confidently complete their research step by step.

The learning and research process of the PhD in Psychology program consists of 12 steps, starting with the subject Developing Research Capability. The goal of this subject is to help PhD students in Psychology develop their research orientation through the final assignment.

Detailed content of the postgraduate course can be seen in the next section.


After completing the first course, the doctoral student has enough knowledge and tools to form a research orientation, but certainly, developing a research orientation for his or her own doctoral thesis will still be very vague, and at this time, the Doctoral Psychology student really needs the support of professors with in-depth expertise.

Right after completing the first course, the Doctoral Psychology student will participate in a research orientation development consultation session by a professor specializing in Psychology. Note that at this stage, the professor who helps you develop your research orientation is not yet your supervisor. Your supervisor will be added and accompany you after you have a research orientation and will be added in stage 2.

In this content, the doctoral student will be advised by someone with in-depth expertise in education so that you can answer the questions:

  • Which research is suitable for me?
  • Is it possible to implement?
  • Are there any previous studies? (to ensure no duplication)
  • Can data be obtained?
  • Is there a basic research model yet?

After this consultation, combined with the knowledge of the Developing Research Capability course and the provided tools, the PhD student in Psychology is confident to complete the research orientation, and this is also the assignment of the first course.

3. Implementing the Research Direction

Research orientation or research proposal (Research Proposal) is like a blueprint for the research of PhD students in Psychology. Therefore, the more suitable the research orientation is for the PhD student, the more it ensures the completion of the PhD thesis in Psychology is of high quality and effective.

At this stage, the PhD student will write a research proposal (which is also the goal of the first subject) and the PhD student in Psychology will be supported:

  • The entire basic learning materials of Psychology are divided into 6 groups of specialized knowledge to help PhD students have enough knowledge to implement any research orientation.
  • This set of learning materials is compatible with the national competency framework for the position of Senior Psychology Expert.
  • Forms
  • Consulting channel with a psychology professor
  • Tested in English and format
  • Instructions for writing essays and citing according to APA/Harvard method
4. Enrolling in the Advanced Research Design and Methodologies Course (for comprehensive research implementation)

At this stage, the PhD student in Psychology has a research proposal and this research proposal has been reviewed for many factors so that it can be officially carried out.

Before starting the research, the PhD candidate will participate in the Advanced Research Design and Methodologies course to gain deeper knowledge and skills when conducting research at the PhD level in Psychology.

Please see below for detailed program content.

5. Appointment of a Supervisor and Working with the Supervisor

At this stage, PhD students in Psychology have full knowledge, capacity, research orientation, basic research documents in Psychology and are completely confident to carry out their PhD thesis.

In order not to let PhD students swim on their own, PhD students in Psychology are assigned a supervisor at this stage. SIMI Swiss's supervisor model is especially tight to ensure smooth and close coordination between supervisors and PhD students, on the one hand not to let PhD students "swim on their own", on the other hand helping PhD students complete quality research papers, on schedule and meeting SIMI Swiss's standards.

At this stage, PhD students are also guided on the process, working methods, roles and responsibilities of PhD students and supervisors. 

6. Completing the Doctoral Thesis with the Supervisor and Academic Support System

During this phase, PhD students in Psychology will work with their supervisors to complete their PhD thesis step by step.

PhD students need to adhere to two important documents:

  • A detailed timeline describing each milestone to complete the PhD thesis. The supervisor is also provided with this roadmap to accompany you.
  • Coordination forms and recording of work results with the supervisor. This is very important evidence to prove to SIMI Swiss and third parties (if assessed) that you have actually conducted research. This entire process will be confirmed by the supervisor, as evidence and basis for graduation consideration.
7. Submitting the Finalized Research Manuscript

After gradually developing the research according to the schedule with the coordination of the supervisor, the PhD student in Psychology will form a complete research thesis.

After completing the research thesis, the PhD student will send the manuscript to London Academy of Sciences for support in checking English, checking the format as well as supporting the duplication check to ensure that the PhD thesis is free of plagiarism.

The support activities of local partner are detailed in the following steps.

Please note: Local partners are present only in certain countries authorized by SIMI.

8. Academic Support System for English and Research Formatting

Before submitting the paper to SIMI Swiss, local partner provides the following support:

  • English language check
    Format check and support
  • Validity check of documents coordinated between the doctoral student and the supervisor
  • Plagiarism check

After the PhD thesis has gone through the support process of a local partner, the doctoral student confidently submits the paper to SIMI Swiss and prepares for the defence process with the SIMI Swiss scientific council.

Please note: Local partners are present only in certain countries authorized by SIMI.

9. Academic Support System for Defense Preparation

Once the PhD thesis has been submitted to SIMI Swiss, local parner will support the PhD student with the necessary steps to confidently enter the defense phase before the scientific council of SIMI Swiss.

Support activities of local partner include:

  • Providing presentation templates (PPT) in SIMI Swiss format
  • Providing presentation standards and regulations during the defense process of SIMI Swiss
  • Preparing important questions to prove that the PhD student is a real person.
  • Opening demo sessions to simulate a real defense session so that the PhD student can get acquainted before the official defense session.

Please note: Local partners are present only in certain countries authorized by SIMI.

10. Defending the Doctoral Thesis to the SIMI Swiss Academic Committee

The PhD thesis defense is an important event, organized especially closely and seriously according to the process set by SIMI Swiss.

A normal defense session will have 3 members, of which 1 member is the chairman of the council (each different major will have a different chairman of the council) and the remaining 2 members are experts, of which 1 is an expert in research methods and data processing.

The goal of the defense session is not to draw conclusions about right or wrong, pass or fail, but is an opportunity to help the doctoral student present his or her work and receive comments to improve it. At the same time, if there is an excellent assessment, the doctoral student can be proposed to publish an international article.

The doctoral student is allowed to present and debate within a maximum of 30 minutes. The entire process will be reported to the 2 councils (1) IQA (Internal Quality Assurance) and (2) EQA (External Quality Assurance).

After completing the defense, within 4 weeks, the doctoral student will receive an evaluation report and have an additional 3 months to complete and graduate.

11. Receiving Feedback for Research Improvement

After defending with the scientific council of SIMI Swiss in the above step, the PhD student has 3 months to improve and complete.

At this stage, the supervisor continues to accompany the PhD student to complete all the opinions of the council.

After completion, the PhD student is supported by SIMI local partner to complete the research paper in the next step.

12. Finalizing the Research and Submitting to SIMI Swiss

With the support of SIMI local partner, PhD students with completed research papers, before officially submitting them to the school, will:

  • Recheck English
  • Recheck format
  • Check plagiarism rate
  • Check the completeness of working documents between PhD students, supervisors as well as the results of work after receiving comments and adjustments from the SIMI Swiss review board.

At this point, students have completed their PhD research and confidently submitted it to SIMI Swiss to wait for graduation results and enter the graduation process.

Courses and Learning Outcomes


1. Developing Research Capability (R/618/5992)

The aim of this course is to provide learners with a comprehensive understanding of the role of research in problem solving across a range of disciplines, and to develop the ability to evaluate existing knowledge to inform further research.

This course is accredited and aligned to the National Occupational Standards. The course is worth 40 UK/20 ECTS Credits and is a Swiss Micro-Credential if taken independently.

Learn more about the course objectives, topics, references and detailed syllabus HERE.

2. Advanced Research Design and Methodologies (L/618/5991)

The aim of this module is to collect and analyse data, an integral part of the PhD/Doctor of Science programme. The module is designed to enhance knowledge of research methods, and introduce complex research designs and advanced methods for analysing and interpreting documents, as well as advanced analytical methods for complex qualitative and quantitative data. In particular, the module will focus on the tools available for data analysis and learners will be introduced to a range of data analysis tools, which can be applied in research across a range of disciplines and fields.

This course is accredited and aligned with the National Occupational Standards. The module is worth 40 UK/20 ECTS Credits and is a Swiss Micro-Credential if taken independently.

Read more about the training objectives, topics, references and detailed syllabus HERE.

3. Doctoral Thesis

Doctoral Thesis is a doctoral thesis specializing in psychology. As a research-oriented program from the beginning, the doctoral thesis is the most important part to determine the graduation result.

  1. Practical application: The thesis usually involves solving a practical problem in the field of psychology, conducting research or developing a strategy to solve a problem in the field of psychology.
  2. Knowledge integration: Doctoral students in Psychology must integrate and apply knowledge groups from many subjects, demonstrating the ability to synthesize information and use it effectively in their own context.
  3. Research component in a Thesis: The doctoral thesis must include a synthetic evaluation research section in addition to the arguments. In this research section, students must collect, analyze and interpret data to support their arguments.
  4. Presentation and defense: Upon completion, PhD students majoring in Psychology will defend their thesis before the scientific council of SIMI Swiss.
  1. Practical experience: PhD students in Psychology can accumulate practical experience in facing and solving psychological problems from general to in-depth.
  2. Skill development: The PhD thesis helps to train critical thinking, problem solving, research and communication skills.
  3. Practical products: The thesis after completion can be used to demonstrate the doctoral student's ability, can be published in international journals or applied in practice.

During the process of forming the PhD thesis majoring in Psychology, they will be supported by research assistants and the English support system, academic support of SIMI local partner.

Please note: Local partners are present only in certain countries authorized by SIMI.

Entry Requirements



Entry Requirements

In addition to the entry requirements, candidates applying to the program are also assessed for their suitability by the admissions committee before joining the program to ensure that they can acquire and benefit from the program.

Entry requirements:

To enroll this program, learners must possess the criteria below:

  • Learners must be over 24 years old; and
  • A Master’s qualification in Majors from accredited universities;
  • Or a Level 7 EQF diploma or equivalent. Level 7 Diploma must be from organizations that are authorized to issue qualifications and have been accredited.

Please note: SIMI and PsySchool Switzerland reserve the right to make admissions decisions based on the requirements of recognized agencies and the program's global quotas.

English Requirements
English requirements:

If a learner is not from a predominantly English-speaking country, proof of English language proficiency must be provided.

  • Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) level B2 or equivalent;
  • Or A minimum TOEFL score of 101 or IELTS 6.5; Reading and Writing must be at 6.5 or equivalent.

Please note: SIMI and PsySchool Switzerland reserve the right to make admissions decisions based on the requirements of recognized agencies and the program's global quotas.

Special Admission Cases

In cases where applicants do not meet the entry requirements, depending on the specific conditions, SIMI Swiss and PsySchool Switzerland will consider admission through the APEL (Accredited Prior Experiential Learning) process based on:

  • Practical work experience;
  • Achievements and awards received;
  • Other evidence of competencies
Pedagogy Method

With the aim of providing an effective learning experience and adapting to the global educational context, SIMI Swiss programs apply the Live Class learning model, helping to optimize learning efficiency for busy working people.

  • Video provides learners with an understanding of the exclusive Live Class learning model at SIMI Swiss [HERE]
  • Video introducing the effectiveness of SIMI Swiss's Live Class method [HERE]
Supplemental resources and Level 7 EQF Pro Certified


Level 7 Certified in Psychoanalysis and Mental Health

Aligned with the program's professional competency framework, students not only follow the official curriculum but also gain access to applied lectures designed to enhance their skills. These lectures enable students to build expertise, leading to a specialist certification upon successfully completing a 30-minute assessment.

After completing the Psychoanalysis and Mental Health course, students can take a test on SIMI Swiss's exclusive platform to obtain the Level 7 Certification in Psychoanalysis and Mental Health in digital format. An optional hard copy certificate is also available upon request.

The Level 7 Certification in Psychoanalysis and Mental Health will help you demonstrate the following competencies:

Competency 1: Mastery of the Complex History of the Psychodynamic Approach

  • Evaluate the emergence of psychoanalysis and the post-Freudian evolution of the psychodynamic approach.
  • Identify the causes of distress through a psychodynamic perspective.
  • Define the goals and applications of psychoanalytic therapy.

Competency 2: Application of Counselling Interventions Based on Psychoanalytic Theory

  • Analyze the skills required for an effective therapist and the nuances of therapy based on psychoanalytic theory.
  • Identify appropriate circumstances for implementing counseling interventions.

Competency 3: Proficiency in Psychoanalytic Techniques Used in Therapy

  • Differentiate between various psychoanalytic techniques.
  • Determine the appropriate use of each psychoanalytic technique in different scenarios.
  • Apply psychoanalytic theory to select the most effective technique for resolving specific problems.
Level 7 Certified in Exploring psychology

Aligned with the program's professional competency framework, students not only follow the official curriculum but also gain access to applied lectures designed to enhance their skills. These lectures enable students to build expertise, leading to a specialist certification upon successfully completing a 30-minute assessment.

After completing the Exploring Psychology course, students can take a test on SIMI Swiss's exclusive platform to obtain the Level 7 Certified in Exploring Psychology in digital format. An optional hard copy certificate is also available upon request.

The Level 7 Certified in Exploring psychology will help you demonstrate the following competencies:

Competency 1: Conducting Qualitative Enquiry in Stereotype Threat, Racial Socialization, and LGBTQ Psychology

  • Evaluate the theory of 'Critical Psychology and Psychology for Liberation.'
  • Construct arguments on current pressing social issues using critical psychology principles.
  • Analyze the impact of prejudices and discrimination on individual mental health.

Competency 2: Understanding Critical Theory, Postmodern Discourse, and Hermeneutics

  • Assess the relationship between power and knowledge.
  • Examine the psychology of oppression and utilize this understanding to address social problems.
  • Develop practical and realistic solutions to social issues.

Competency 3: Practicing Critical Psychology and Applying Methods of Liberation

  • Evaluate critical consciousness and double consciousness.
  • Design a model that represents crisis counseling.
  • Analyze the concept of "therapy of capitalism" and its implications.
Level 7 Certified in Cognitive and biological psychology

Aligned with the program's professional competency framework, students not only follow the official curriculum but also gain access to applied lectures designed to enhance their skills. These lectures enable students to build expertise, leading to a specialist certification upon successfully completing a 30-minute assessment.

After completing the Cognitive and biological psychology course, students can take a test on SIMI Swiss's exclusive platform to obtain the Level 7 Certified in Cognitive and biological psychology in digital format. An optional hard copy certificate is also available upon request.

Level 7 Certified in Cognitive and biological psychology will help you demonstrate the following competencies:

Competency 1: Understanding Neuropsychology and Brain Regions Related to Psychological Attributes

  • Evaluate the methods used in neuropsychology.
  • Identify and describe the functions of the frontal, parietal, occipital, and temporal lobes.

Competency 2: Understanding Cognitive Psychology, Its Approaches, and Key Issues

  • Differentiate between traditional and emerging fields of applied cognitive psychology.
  • Analyze the philosophical foundations of cognitive psychology.

Competency 3: Applying Theoretical Approaches to Sensation and Attention

  • Examine the neuropsychological approach to sensation, attention, perception, and consciousness.
  • Analyze spatial cognition and the concept of cognitive mapping.

Competency 4: Understanding Memory from Biological and Cognitive Perspectives

  • Differentiate between various models of memory and the memory processes.
  • Analyze the neuropsychological perspective on memory.
  • Apply cognitive psychology concepts to enhance memory function.
Level 7 Certified in Qualitative Research Methodology

Aligned with the program's professional competency framework, students not only follow the official curriculum but also gain access to applied lectures designed to enhance their skills. These lectures enable students to build expertise, leading to a specialist certification upon successfully completing a 30-minute assessment.

After completing the Qualitative Research Methodology course, students can take a test on SIMI Swiss's exclusive platform to obtain the Level 7 Certified in Qualitative Research Methodology in digital format. An optional hard copy certificate is also available upon request.

The Level 7 Certified in Qualitative Research Methodology will help you demonstrate the following competencies:

Competency 1: Understanding the Qualitative Paradigm of Psychology and Qualitative Research

  • Evaluate the conceptual foundations, key issues, and nature of different paradigms and approaches to qualitative research.
  • Design a qualitative research project, addressing the issues related to reflexivity, subjectivity, and reflectivity.

Competency 2: Understanding the Features, Purposes, and Applications of Various Qualitative Research Methods

  • Assess different types of qualitative research methods, including research interviews, focus group discussions, and ethnography.
  • Evaluate grounded theory, life story research, and cooperative inquiry approaches.
  • Identify and select the most appropriate qualitative research method for a given study.

Competency 3: Understanding Qualitative Studies in Relation to Other Research Approaches

  • Establish and justify the connections between qualitative research and feminist research.
  • Apply discourse analysis and narrative analysis techniques to draw well-supported conclusions.
Level 7 Certified in Social and Cultural Psychology and Psychology of Human Development

Aligned with the program's professional competency framework, students not only follow the official curriculum but also gain access to applied lectures designed to enhance their skills. These lectures enable students to build expertise, leading to a specialist certification upon successfully completing a 30-minute assessment.

After completing the Social and Cultural Psychology and Psychology of Human Development course, students can take a test on SIMI Swiss's exclusive platform to obtain the Level 7 Certified in Social and Cultural Psychology and Psychology of Human Development. An optional hard copy certificate is also available upon request.

Level 7 Certified in Social and Cultural Psychology and Psychology of Human Development will help you demonstrate the following competencies:

Competency 1: Understanding How Society Develops, Thinks, and Represents Ideas

  • Analyze the relationship between the mind, society, and culture.
  • Trace the emergence of social issues and their impact based on the principles of social and cultural psychology.

Competency 2: Understanding Types of Self in Social Contexts and Applications of Social Cultural Psychology

  • Evaluate various types of self and social identities in society.
  • Define key concepts such as cognition and culture, social representations, attitudes and attributions, language and communication, social influence, beliefs, and inter-group relations.

Competency 3: Understanding Human Development in Psychology

  • Assess human development, particularly during childhood and adolescence.
  • Evaluate different aspects of development and identify barriers that may hinder development.

Competency 4: Understanding the Relationship Between Human Development and Culture

  • Assess the impact of culture on individual growth, incorporating a cross-cultural perspective.
  • Identify developmental problems by applying theoretical knowledge.
Level 7 Certified in Rehabilitation Psychology

Aligned with the program's professional competency framework, students not only follow the official curriculum but also gain access to applied lectures designed to enhance their skills. These lectures enable students to build expertise, leading to a specialist certification upon successfully completing a 30-minute assessment.

After completing the Rehabilitation Psychology course, students can take a test on SIMI Swiss's exclusive platform to obtain the Level 7 Certified in Rehabilitation Psychology in digital format. An optional hard copy certificate is also available upon request.

The Level 7 Certified in Rehabilitation Psychology will help you demonstrate the following competencies:

Competency 1: Understanding the Pre-History and History of Rehabilitation Psychology

  • Evaluate the conceptual foundations of rehabilitation psychology.
  • Identify the need and scope of rehabilitation and interventions in various circumstances.
  • Analyze key milestone events that have influenced the development of the discipline.

Competency 2: Applying Theoretical Knowledge to Practical Experiences in Community Rehabilitation Settings

  • Assess different types of rehabilitation facilities.
  • Provide clients with treatments tailored to their specific needs.

Competency 3: Understanding Ethical and Professional Conduct Requirements

  • Exhibit professional behavior in rehabilitation settings that aligns with established professional standards.
  • Analyze ethical issues encountered in neuropsychological rehabilitation.
  • Apply theoretical knowledge to address practical challenges in rehabilitation settings.

Competency 4: Understanding Disorders and Disabilities

  • Analyze the connections between problems, disabilities, and their treatments.
  • Identify and specify techniques for different interventions that address the identified issues.
Knowledge updates and networking activities


1. Join Colloquiums for the latest trends

Knowledge learned from textbooks can often be several years out of date. Recognizing this, PhD students in Psychology are encouraged to attend Colloquiums to keep up with the latest trends and knowledge.

SIMI Swiss also hosts the Swiss Colloquium, and with the support of partner universities, Colloquiums are held regularly. All PhD Psychology students are eligible to attend and the tuition fee includes the cost of attendance.

  1. Latest industry updates: Colloquiums provide up-to-date knowledge of trends, ensuring PhD students stay at the forefront of knowledge in their field.
  2. Networking opportunities: Colloquiums are also an opportunity to network with industry experts, peers and friends. Increased networking can foster future collaborations and career opportunities.
  3. Enhanced learning experience: Participating in Colloquium discussions and presentations enhances understanding and allows students to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world situations.
  4. Skills development: Participating in Colloquiums helps develop important skills such as public speaking, critical thinking, and the ability to express ideas.
  5. Global perspective: With contributions from international experts, SIMI Swiss's Colloquium exposes students to diverse perspectives, broadening their understanding in an international context.
  6. Professional development: Attending or presenting at Colloquiums increases personal brand recognition in the field that PhD Psychology students pursue.
  7. Recognition: Participating in Colloquiums earns certifications, which greatly support future career development.

For more information about the Swiss Colloquium, see [HERE].

2. Join Networking to expand collaboration

In the current context, PhD students not only need in-depth specialized knowledge but also need a network of colleagues and friends. Realizing the importance of this, PhD students in Psychology are organized many activities to help build and expand their network of connections in the specialized field. These activities are often integrated or organized independently. These activities are often integrated or organized independently.

See more [HERE]

Academic Support from SIMI Swiss and local Partners



1. English support for non-native speakers

All PsySchool programs of SIMI are delivered in English, and SIMI recognizes that language is not the key determinant of success in an educational program—it’s simply a medium for instructors to share knowledge.

To help students confidently navigate any challenges with English, particularly the specialized language of Psychology courses, the local academic support team provides assistance through various activities.

Key lectures from SIMI instructors are translated into the local language with the help of local partners. Additionally, each course features a learning assistant who supports students throughout the program, serving as a bridge between students and instructors to ensure seamless communication and to break down language barriers.

2. Support for APA/Harvard formatting and writing style

At PsySchool and in all SIMI programs, students are required to write their assignments following international standards such as APA or Harvard. For some students, this can be a significant initial challenge.

Understanding this, SIMI Swiss has developed detailed guidelines, and with the support of local partners, students receive in-depth guidance and formatting assistance before submitting their assignments to SIMI Swiss.

Check it out [HERE].

3. Research supervisors

The Doctoral Thesis is a comprehensive final coursework designed specifically for PhD students. It is designed to synthesize the knowledge and skills that PhD students have accumulated throughout their studies. Unlike traditional exams or courses, the Doctorate Thesis requires students to apply what they have learned to a real-world problem or challenge that they are facing.

To support the effective implementation of the Thesis, SIMI Swiss has developed detailed guidelines and closely coordinated with local partner on standards to provide the necessary support.

Find out more [HERE].

4. Providing Templates and Standard Formats to Support Coursework and Doctoral Dissertation

SIMI Swiss's local partners provide students with standard forms and formats for the Psychology PhD program that they can use immediately when:

  • Doing classwork
  • Doing group work
  • Doing final assignments
  • Doing the Thesis
  • Defending the Doctorate Thesis



Accreditation of SIMI Swiss
SIMI SWISS is the pioneering higher education institution with accreditation at both the programmatic and institutional levels:
  • Accredited by the Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges and Universities (ASIC) at the highest level (Premier Institution);
  • A full member of SVEB (Swiss Federation for Adult Learning);
  • Accreditation of the management system compatible with the European Quality Assurance Framework for Vocational Education and Training (EQAVET) and Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area, awarded by the HEAD – Higher Education Accreditation Division;
  • Achieve ISO 21001:2018, complying with the European Quality Assurance Framework for Vocational Education and Training (EQAVET) and the Quality Assurance in the Higher Education Area Requirements (EGS);
  • Programs is recognized by Ofqual UK.Gov Awarding Bodies;
  • Learning outcomes are mapped to the UK national occupational standards.
  • See more information about the accreditation and recognition of SIMI Swiss: [CLICK HERE]
  • Guidelines of how to check the accreditation of SIMI Swiss: [CLICK HERE]
Accreditation of Horizons Universiy

About Horizons University, France:

  • Approved and recognized for undergraduate and postgraduate training activities by the French Ministry of Education;
  • Recognized training activities in France and abroad by the Paris professional training department;
  • Achieved the French Qualiopi quality education certificate;
  • Program accreditation by Council for Business Schools & Programs (ACBSP);
  • Program accreditation by the European Council for Business Education (ECBE). ECBE is a member of ENQA;
  • A member of the Federation for Education in Europe (FEDE).


  • See more information about Horizons University: CLICK HERE
  • Guidelines of how to check the accreditation of Horizons University: CLICK HERE
  • Why is Horizons University Unique? CLICK HERE

Please note: In France, there are two diploma systems: the National Diplomas and the University Diplomas. National Diplomas are national diploma system granted by the French Ministry of Education through national exams and studying French national curriculum in French. University Diplomas are diploma system granted by universities through examinations organized by the universities, along with evaluation from independent internal and external accreditation systems.

"Horizons University's Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctoral qualifications belong to the University Diplomas system."
Programs is Mapping with National Occupation Standards

The program is compatible with the competency framework for the Research scientist position

See more about the competency framework for the Research Scientist position [HERE]

Notice & Disclaimers

The Swiss Information and Management Institute (SIMI Swiss), Swiss PsySchool along with our Partner Universities, Academic Partners, Local Supporting Partners, and Qualification Awarding Bodies (collectively referred to as the 'Parties' or 'We'), hereby state and affirm that:

  • The Parties expressly disclaim any guarantee of acceptance of a degree by a third party. The acceptance or rejection of a degree is contingent upon the discretion of the receiving entity.
  • The Parties explicitly disavow any guarantee pertaining to salary increments, promotions, new employment opportunities, or employment acceptance subsequent to graduation.
  • Although there exist regulations concerning cross-recognition and equivalence of qualifications, it is important to note that each country, organization, and entity retains the right to acknowledge and recognize its own degrees. The Parties do not assure automatic recognition of degrees during the diploma and certificate usage process, including the issuing of transcripts, by any of our members. Furthermore, the Parties do not assure or endorse the process of recognizing equivalent qualifications (if applicable).
  • The Parties do not assure or commit to facilitating opportunities for immigration, employment abroad, acquisition of work permits, teaching permits, or professional licenses in the UK, Europe, or any other country.
  • While the Parties extend maximum support, they do not guarantee 100% approval of student visas (in the case of full-time study) or Schengen visas (for attendance at the graduation ceremony in Europe) if learners do not meet the requirements of the host country and the competent authority responsible for immigration, relocation, and settlement in other countries.


  • Fully Accredited & Recognized

  • The Swiss Student Card confirms official Swiss student status and eligibility with SIMI Swiss.

  • Certified & Micro-Credentials Included

  • Multiple Degrees from SIMI & Prestigious Universities

  • Stay updated with the latest trends

  • Learn in a flexible way

  • Expand your network

  • Academic Support during Study

  • Tuition fee support provided by Swiss EduFund